Other powerful and complex system modules:
International Trade
Human Resources
Treasury (Banks)
Production (Bottlers)
Production (Textile)
Production (Poultry)

Corporate and branch control:
It automatically extracts, analyzes, compresses, groups and registers the statistical information of each product in each branch month by month. In the same way, it records administrative and fiscal information related to each day, box and branch.
Contains and shares product stock information at each location automatically updated online and verified multiple times a day
Automatically cross transfer and purchase operations to calculate the merchandise in transit for each product in each branch
Provides the information base for the calculation of averages in branch replenishment and purchase orders
Provides non-stop service to branches to obtain price changes.
Concentrates and disseminates the printing formats for the various types of documents handled in the company
Concentrates and manages the behavior of the branches
Advanced module for reading orders raised at the expo or branches for delivery at any branch.
Expo Order Revaluation Calculation:
The special discount level of the most favorable directory for the client (expo/branch) is taken
The price of the product in Expo is calculated including normal discount and special discount (there is a price table for each expo date since prices vary as the event progresses)
The price of the product in branch is calculated including normal discount and special discount
The most favorable to the customer is applied
Receipt analyzer module that details, product by product, the discounts and criteria applied when revaluing Expo orders in foreign stores, thus facilitating the breakdown and analysis of the receipt and the attached credit notes
Hierarchy of access at all levels
How much is user encrypted with expiration and passwords
Connection to international control servers and date/time synchronization for local validation of procedures
Extensive log log for system events (who did it, when, where, what time, how it was before and how it was after)
Quick handling for cashier supervisors (badge, credential or barcode card) for authorizations, returns, cancellations, etc.
Compression and encrypted storage in the CFDI document database
Includes new fields for IEPS control
Generic Product Description
Alcohol content of the product
container capacity
Indicator when the client/supplier is the cause of the IEPS
Internal notification systems and various tools:
Automatic local or remote backups, compression and encryption
Local autonomous operation allows to continue the sale if there is no Internet connection
Corporate/branch/terminal task scheduler to perform all kinds of system functions based on pre-established schedules
Internal notification system
Assignable to practically any event of the system in local query or by electronic sending.
Open configuration of equipment for specific activities: price checker, entry/exit staff checker, collection box, customer service, general box, administration, etc.