Advanced catalog of products and services
Centralized price control
Personalized price by: product, line, sub-line, client, group of clients, or corporate
Sales agreements and negotiations
Branch office
Group of clients or corporate
volume scales
Pack (3 pack, 6 pack...)
Combinations of all modes

Promotional messaging direct to cashier sales, Promotion and suggestion at the point of sale of equivalent and similar products and replacement of discontinued products.

Personalized promotions with infinite combinations, products, lines, sublines, suppliers, participating brands, by quantity, by price, by event, by draw, by percentage, escalations.
Services pay

Identification multicodes
Internal code
Barcode (differentiated EAN box and piece)
Provider/suppliers code
Custom customer/customer code
Codes and specializations del SAT

Multidescription of products, services
Internal description
Description for ticket
Description for invoice
Differentiated description piece/package/box

Graphic information of products and services
Product photos
Diagrams, technical sheets, manuals and characteristics.

Cubic Information
Dimensions height, width, length and volume
Product weight, packaging
Boxes per bed, beds per pallet
International trade controls
Registration and control of customs petitions
Description of other languages (English, German, French, Italian)
International codes